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[Resellers] Creating a hosting package

To set up a cPanel user under the WHM reseller account, at least one hosting package will need to be created. You can create "default" packages to quickly assign end users services, or create a custom package for each new account. 


  1. Login to the WHM reseller console. 
  2. Either use the search bar along the left side to locate Add a package, or scroll through the menu options and select Add a package under Packages.
  3. There are three sections that need to be defined to complete setting up a new hosting package.
    1. Package Name - how the package will be identified on WHM.
    2. Resources - customize the allotment for all available fields as you see fit per package. 
      Below are suggested amounts for a basic WordPress site:
      Disk Quota: 1000 - 5000
      Monthly Bandwidth: 5000 - 10000
    3. Settings - dictate the default features used for the package, such as feature lists, and language.
    4. Click Add once all required fields have been set to the desired values.  

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