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TLD Reference Chart

The TLD reference chart is a document created to quickly find information specific to a Top Level Domain (TLD). We try to keep the information on the reference chart up to date and accurate as possible, so please contact support with any specific inquiries you may have on the details covered in the chart.

Sorting for specific information

1. Click on the Filter views icon and select one of the preset filters to sort the list accordingly.


  • An example filter would be "Deleted before expiry date", which shows TLDs that are deleted a number of days prior to the expiry date, if not set to auto-renew, or if not manually renewed by then.  
  • Browse through the list for other useful views.


2. You can also sort a column by clicking on the drop down icon on the upper right corner of a column.    



3. Some cells have a black triangle on the upper right, indicating there is hidden details.  Mouse over the cell to see more information. 


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