Domains at Exact Hosting can auto-renew, and as long as payment is on file, the domain will continually renew, making it convenient to self-manage domains. Exact Hosting does allow for manual renewal as well for self-service.
Managing domain auto-renewal status
- Open the client area, click Account, and then Login.
- Enter the username and password, then press Login.
- Select the Domains section box.
- Select the domain to manage.
- Click Auto renew. Press Enable auto-renew to active or Disable auto-renew to disable.
Important: Domains with grandfathered pricing must have auto-renew enabled. Manual renewal will result in a full-price charge.
Manually renewing a domain
- Open the client area, click Account, and then Login.
- Enter the username and password, then press Login.
- Select the Domains section box.
- Click Domains followed by Renew domains.
- Select one or more domains to renew.
- Choose the renewal years desired and press Add to cart.
- After selecting the renewal years, hit View cart to proceed.
- Confirm your selection and click Checkout.
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