Register a new domain

In this article we outline how to register a new domain via your ExactHosting client area.


1. Login to the Exact Hosting Portal and enter your credentials.



2. Navigate to the "Domains" drop down menus and select "Register a New Domain".


3. Enter the domain you wish to register and push the "Select" button.


4. If the domain is available you may select the number of years you wish to register it for and push the "Continue" button. 

5. Select any of the services bellow if you would either like us to host your DNS or provide ID Protection. If you will be using your own name servers enter at least minimum and push the "Continue" button.


6. Review your order, enter any promo codes you may have, and push the "Checkout" button to pay your order.


7. Review all of your contact and billing information and enter your preferred method of payment at the bottom of the screen. Once all of your changes are complete accept the terms and services and push the "Complete Order" button.

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