Website builder management

Website builder is a simple drag-and-drop builder for beginners to help create a great website. Website builder makes it easy to design tablet and phone views, so your site will look how you want on those devices. 

After purchase of the service, a domain must be connected to the Website builder service first.

Purchasing Website Builder

  1. Log in to the client area.
  2. Select Services and Order new services.
    order new services.png
  3. Click Website Builder, select the desired package, and press Order now.
    website builder order now.png
  4. Enter a domain for the Website Builder service to link to and hit Use.
    choose a domain.png
  5. After agreeing to the terms, press Complete order.
    complete order.png

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Setting up Website Builder

The host records must be saved to the domain first by connecting a domain name to our Website builder service.

  1. Log in to the client area.
  2. Select Services.
    Exacthosting services button.png
  3. Hit Active to launch the service manager.
    green active button.png
  4. When you're ready to connect your domain to Website Builder, add the following records:

    A record

    Note: After saving host records, allow DNS propagation to complete. 

    wsb host records.png

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Launching Website Builder

  1. Log in to the client area.
  2. Select Services.
    Exacthosting services button.png
  3. Hit Active to launch the service manager.
    green active button.png
  4. Click Log in to control panel to enter.
    log into control panel.png
  5. Website Builder is a drag-and-drop builder which allows users to adjust their site page by page.
    Note: Just so you know, for design support, you can visit our Website Builder partner documentation.
    wsb front page.png
    Menu Website Builder menu selection.
    Add content You can add content and widgets to your Website.
    Design Manage site and theme colors.
    Home page Website pages
    Preview Preview your site before publishing.
    Publish Publish your Website to the web.

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Getting Started with Website Builder

Here are a few important items in Website Builder that can help get you started building a website.

Tools Function
Menu Switch to another application, access settings, and return to your account.
Add content Adds a content field to your site. Widgets are also added from this selection.
Design Opens the design menu, allowing color changes and font elements. 
Home page Displays a grouping of your site's pages.
Preview Displays a preview of your site changes.
Publish Publish your site to the web.

website builder menu.png

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Adding sections

  1. Select Add content and click Add content.
    add content.png
  2. Click Add content here.
    add content here.png
  3. From this menu, you can add a variety of content pieces to your site.
  4. While selecting a piece of content, use these two items to move or delete your content.
    image options.png

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Publishing your site

The first time you publish your site, you may be prompted to choose a temporary subdomain name.

When you publish your site, it becomes visible on the World Wide Web (WWW). If you change your site, you will need to click Publish again to make new changes visible.

Blog posts are published automatically; you do not need to click the publish button to make a new post live.

Additional information

Additional information can be found with our Website Builder partner documentation.

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