Client area management guide

The Exact Hosting client area is where services, billing, and support requests can be managed.  Account owners are able to grant permissions for additional users to assist in managing the account.

Support pin

The Exact Hosting support pin is required to verify customer accounts, providing the support pin to Exact Hosting agents will allow us to take a closer look into the account, share details, and proof of ownership.  The support pin is located within the client area while logged in. 

Locating the support pin

    1.  Open the client area click Account, and then Login.
    2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
    3. The support pin is shown after successfully logging into the account.

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    Generating a new support pin

      1.  Open the client area click Account and then Login.
      2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
      3. Hit Generate new pin to create a new support pin.

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      Resetting the account password

      For any lost or forgotten passwords, a reset email link can be requested.  The reset link is only sent to the account email on file.

      Important: If the password reset email needs to be sent to another email, verification is required. 

        1. Log into the Exact Hosting client area.
        2. Select Forgot password.
        3. Enter the email address associated with the account.
        4. Confirmation of the request will appear regardless if the email on file is correct.

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        Updating primary account information

            1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
            2. Select Account details.
            3. Click Save changes to finalize.


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          Managing your payment method

          Exact Hosting offers auto-renewal for services if there is a valid form of payment on file.

          Important: Our team cannot accept credit card details by email or phone.  Manually updating payment is the best way to ensure services are renewed.

          Adding a credit card

            1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
            2. To add a card, select Billing, then Payment Methods.
            3. Click Add new credit card.
            4. Enter the required fields and hit Save changes.

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            Removing a credit card

            It is not possible to modify the credit card information on file. Removing the card and re-adding it is advised.

              1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
              2. To remove a card, select Billing, then Payment Methods.
              3. Find the icons to the right of the card in question, and click Delete.
              4. Click Yes to confirm.

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              Pay your invoice

              All invoices can be managed in the Exact Hosting client area.

                1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                3. Click Invoices.
                4. Select Unpaid next to the desired invoice.
                5. Hit Pay now.
                6. Enter card information if none is on file and press Submit payment.

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                Managing account users' access

                There are two types of users you can add to your Exact Hosting account for management, sub-accounts, and contacts.  Sub-accounts can log in if you allow them while contacts cannot. 

                Adding a sub-account

                You can adjust sub-account permissions to create layers of account access such as pay bills, receive emails from Exact Hosting, or manage domain DNS.

                  1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                  2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                  3. Select Hello, {your name} followed by User management.
                  4. Enter the email address you want to invite.  Press Send invite.
                  5. Adjust any permissions you want to grant or grant all permissions based on the access you want them to have.
                  6. The receiver of your invitation has seven days to respond to this email.  The invitation will expire after seven days, and a new one must be sent.
                  7.  After accepting the invitation, they'll need to either create an account or log in using their existing account credentials.

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                  Adding a new user contact

                  You can add a contact to your account, such as a web developer or family member.  Contacts cannot log into your account, they can only get email notifications. 

                    1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                    2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                    3. Select Hello, {your name} followed by User management.
                    4. Select Add new contact and press Go.
                    5. Fill out your new contact information, select what permissions you want this new contact to have then press Save changes.

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                    Managing domain auto-renewal status

                    1. Open the client area, click Account, and then Login.
                      Exact hosting account login.png
                    2. Enter the username and password, then press Login.
                      Exact hosting login.png
                    3. Select the Domains section box.
                      whmcs 8 customer portal domains.PNG
                    4. Select the domain to manage.
                      select domain.png
                    5. Click Auto renew.  Press Enable auto-renew to active or Disable auto-renew to disable.
                      Important: Domains with grandfathered pricing must have auto-renew enabled. Manual renewal will result in a full-price charge. 
                      domain autorenew setting.png

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                    Manually renewing a domain

                    1. Open the client area, click Account, and then Login.
                      Exact hosting account login.png
                    2. Enter the username and password, then press Login.
                      Exact hosting login.png
                    3. Select the Domains section box.
                      whmcs 8 customer portal domains.PNG
                    4. Click Domains followed by Renew domains.
                      renew domains selection.png

                    5. Select one or more domains to renew. 
                      domain checkbox.png
                    6. Choose the renewal years desired and press Add to cart.
                      renewal year select.png

                    7. After selecting the renewal years, hit View cart to proceed.
                      view cart.png
                    8. Confirm your selection and click Checkout.

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                    Domain auto-renew bulk action

                    Your account has access to the mass auto-renew settings for domains.

                      1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                      2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                      3. Select the Domains section box.
                      4. Check any active domains you want to enable or disable auto-renew for.
                      5. Select More and press Auto-renewal status.
                      6. Choose Enable or Disable for the domains selected.whmcs_8_customer_portal_domains_autorenew_toggle.PNG

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                      Canceling services

                      Services can be canceled within the Exact Hosting client area.  To cancel a domain, the auto-renew must be disabled and then the domain will naturally expire and leave your account.

                      Cancel webhosting services

                        1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                        2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                        3. Click on Services.
                        4. Find the service you wish to adjust and click anywhere on that row.
                        5. Click Request cancellation.
                        6. Briefly describe your reason for cancellation, check the confirmation box, select the Cancellation type and click Request cancellation.


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                        Canceling a domain name renewal

                        To cancel a domain, disable the auto-renew feature within the Exact Hosting client dashboard and allow the domain to expire fully.

                        Note: During this time, the registrar may continue to send renewal reminder notifications that can be disregarded if you no longer want the domain.

                          1. Open the client area click Account and then Login.
                          2. Enter the username and password then press Login.
                          3. Click on Domains.
                          4. Select the correct domain by clicking anywhere on its row.
                          5. Choose Auto renew.
                          6. Select Disable auto renew.

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